
I’m not the kind of person who is driven primarily by having things, nor by the idea of living a life preoccupied by them. That said, I do appreciate generosity, thoughtfulness, and good taste. If it’s beautiful, meaningful, or practical, I’m in! 

Whether as a surprise during our rendezvous or as an unexpected treat in the mail, gifts are never expected but always appreciated. Some things I enjoy include:

  • Raw, local honey from your hometown
  • Something from my Throne page
  • Amazon gift cards (yay, life things!)
  • REI gift cards (yay, outdoor things!)
  • Dermahealth gift cards (yay, aesthetic things!)

You might also prefer to select something from my curated Amazon Wishlist , which contains a vast assortment of items I’m sure to appreciate.

If you’d like to personally select and surprise me with something you think I’d enjoy, I’m happy to provide a mailing address for delivery.