“How much pleasure will you allow yourself? Many people have an invisible quota in their minds for the amount of joy they will permit themselves to experience. They become so busy living life that they view pleasure as a luxury they simply do not have time for... However, your life simply will not work as well when you deny yourself pleasure. The old adage of all work and no play making you dull is quite true; you may find yourself living a rather colorless life if you do not pause every now and then to indulge your senses. Pleasure is like the oil that keeps the machine of your life running smoothly. Without it, the gears stick and you will most likely break down."
- Cherie Carter-Scott
I’m glad you’re interested in my company!
Please understand that I screen all new clients before meeting. To begin this process, begin by completing my secure Screening & Appointment Request Form. Please provide all requested information with as much detail as possible. After receiving and reviewing your screening form, I will respond to your request by email. Please keep in mind that I do not employ an assistant, because I believe all of our communication has meaning and value, so it may take up to 48 hours to receive my personal response.
Returning clients may request a meeting via email.
Planning in advance is the best way to ensure my availability for our time together. I am unlikely to be available without at least a week’s notice, and often much more. No, I am not available now.
I am always happy to hear from other companions, especially those who live in or visit the Phoenix area. As a part-time provider, I am often asked for recommendations for ladies who may be available when I’m not. I am always happy to expand my circle of friends so that I can provide personal recommendations with confidence.
My Sunroom and Twitter are where you’ll find me engaged in the good, the bad, and the ugly. Follow me there!